Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Super Brieft Video Update

Yes, so i figure it would probably more efficient for me to video blog sometimes... haha
You know it's funny because these lil home made videos Ive been making are never planned. They usually happen because i like the lighting coming into my room so i want to take pics or record it. Then they turn out to be some ol' elaborate thing / home made music video bcus im always listening to music so its natural for me to incorporate music...Also later, like in a few years, i can go back and be like, "oh shit i remember this"... anyways i don't usually post the videos because they're too personal or too ridiculous...
But today i decided to post this lil video about my whereabouts...
im using my photobooth for these vids right now (fyi) so the quality is pretty bootsy...

Update 1of 7million from NoNo on Vimeo.

p.s i added another video of these typical :homemade music" videos i've been making. please enjoy...

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