Monday, July 19, 2010


Elllooooo i am back!
Thanks to all of you lovelies who are sticking with me
even tho it seems like ive abandoned you.
That my friends is a lie.
The last 2 months i have been pretty much:

1. Finishing my one year program in Milan via Fashion School.

2. Going to fashion shows.

3. Traveling.

4. Networking around the world via trying to come back to Europe next summer to work.

5. Moving out of my apartment in Milan via going back to the states.

6. Couch surfing at friends places,
which was cool back at 19yrs old but now its just cramping my style!!

7. Being a boarder-line hobo.
but good thing looking homeless is chic these days.

That is just some of the main stuff going on in my life right now,
all of which have their own story attached to them.
I will share with you the pictures,
videos and stories behind them very soon!

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